About Me

- americanchica51
- I am not skilled in rhetoric, I am not the next great American writer, I write because it helps me to think and to see the world differntly then I would have if I had not laid out my thoughts. Married, 4 grown children, grandchildren, retired, Catholic, conservative, Republican
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
One of the things about being retired is that the days don't really matter, unless you have a doctors apps. or meeting someone for lunch, or maybe going away for the weekend.While most of the masses look forward to Friday's, I think of it as another day. I chuckle when I read posts on Myspace, Facebook and people's excitement at the thought of the end of the week and believe me I can relate to that excitement. For 3o something years I worked for a school district. So Friday's were well deserved! So were holidays, vacations, and summers if you weren't a year-round employee. This week has been a week of listening to news, not just watching the news. I have never ever in my life been too interested in Politics or what happens in the this country. Terrible to say and admit, but there's too many things when your raising kids, working, being a wife, taking care of a home to worry too much about the life in Washington or the politics there. The recent election propelled me into listening and monetary contributions, something that I had never even thought I would ever do. I have voted in Presidential elections in the past, and for a long time I was a registered Democrat. Until Ronald Reagan ran for President and that was because I was taking a govt. class at the local community college and we were assigned to see what Ronald Reagan's politics were all about. I liked what I read, what I learned about him and voted for him, of course this was what I now called a "Republican closet vote" being Hispanic, you did not vote Republican and if you did you better have a good defense for it. I have come a long way since. I am not a straight ticket voter, I don't believe in giving power to one side, we have a good example of why not. Both parties have failed us miserably and as we go into the future with more debt then I can possible imagine I am wondering what do I do with my political stances? So, Friday finds me listening again to the political pundits give their spin to what Obama, congress and Washington are doing. It's pretty scary when you think about it, but I think most people haven't really thought about it! Friday can be thought of as the end of the week, for me it is the beginning of a new journey that will make me a better citizen, no longer apathetic or uniformed. I look forward to more writing and telling of my journey, not for anyone to really be interested in what I do, but for myself, so that in 6 months or a year from now, I can look back and see what I have learned, what I have done to be a better citizen. Good Friday, a good weekend and Happy Mothers Day to all!
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