What do you say when you wake up one morning and hear that the White House would like for
people to report anyone that disagrees with their Health Care Bill? Did I wake up in the right
country? Last night when I went to bed it was still OK to disagree with anyone in Washington.
So what happened between Monday night and Tuesday morning?
I am not a radical, nor a protester, I did attend the Tea Party at our County Court House, it was lively, passionate, and patriotic. No one abdicated the overthrow of the govt. or even the administration. It was a peaceful assembly, made up of American citizens worried about where their country is headed. Nothing wrong with that is there?
I listen to the MSM and I wonder who they base their information on when they report stories of the people protesting at congressional town hall meetings. I listen to the talking heads at the
White House and like the rest of Congress and Washington Elite, realize how out of touch they
are with the people of America.
When a President okays a "snitch" policy, you have to wonder what else is coming down the road? When did it become against the law to disagree with the policies of any administration.
The Democrats certainly made their voices heard with most of G. W.'s Policies. and now they
want to silence the conservatives, and it isn't just conservatives, Americans of all political persuasions are questioning the ever growing debt this administration is putting on the American Tax payer's back.... Health Care, one of the most basic rights that we have, a personal bond that we have with our doctor, almost more sacred then with a priest. The govt. wants to come and change it. We think it is for the worse, they think it is for the better, but who know best, I think we can all agree to say that we the people, each and every individual who values freedom, can make that decision on their own without the help of the govt....
I don't need the govt. to offer me counseling when I turn 65 on how to plan my death, and I don't need them to come back every year and remind me of how to die without incurring the govt. thousand or hundreds of thousand of dollars...it is my life, God gave me life, the govt. has no
business deciding what is best for me....
I worked in Special Education for many years, many of the kids that I worked with had so many medical needs that at any given moment they could die....they required expensive medical care, and expensive care to take care of them at home and at school...but who was I to say, that child must die because it is too expensive to take care of him...I have a granddaughter who will always function at the level of a 6 month old, who am I to say to her mother, "you should let her die"?
Who has that right, who has that power? The Government?
We have let the govt. do what they do now. We have given the power to control everything about our lives....the kids behave badly, let the govt. take care of it, criminals overtake our cities, let the govt. take care of it, banks fail, let the govt. take care of it, the neighbor doesn't' turn his music down, let the govt. take care of it....and now the govt. has acquired all this power and do we honestly think they are going to give it up without a fight? Of course not. Every election, we vote back the politicians that now want to take over our life's completely, or we don't vote at all...let the other guy vote, or my vote doesn't count, or who cares, they are going to'
do what they want....and they have because we have let them and now we sit and we scream with anger, we protest, we blog, we twitter, we scream out with voices loud and strong, and no one listens, the people that we elected into office year after year are no longer listening to us, they now move to their own pleasure or the pleasure of the interest group that has bought and paid for them, because we were to too busy, or didn't care to got spend that 5 or 10 minutes to cast one vote.
It isn't too late, America can still be saved but it will take everyone that care about freedom, everyone that loves America to put a stop to this growing monstrosity we call Washington. We
can attend those congressional meetings and ask the questions and hold our representatives accountable, but we must do it with respect and a quiet and forceful voice.... letting them answer our questions and not yelling them down, because in yelling them down we lose the power that we have....we become one of them.... We have the right to voice our opinions, and we have the right to oppose anything that we feel is bad for this country, the govt cannot silence dissent, or go after people that disagree with them, it they do then it is time we rise like the sleeping giant that we are and take back our country from the men that are wanting to turn it into a dictatorship....
We have so much to lose. Our freedoms are fragile and our country is at a crossroads, it is up to us to redirect it, back to what the founders envisioned, back to the founding principles in which this country was founded....which road do you want to take? Give me Liberty or give me Death.
I myself prefer Liberty!
About Me

- americanchica51
- I am not skilled in rhetoric, I am not the next great American writer, I write because it helps me to think and to see the world differntly then I would have if I had not laid out my thoughts. Married, 4 grown children, grandchildren, retired, Catholic, conservative, Republican
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
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